Prison Ministry

Perhaps you can help!

(Luke 4:18)

It is our desire to be helpful to those in prison who indicate an interest in receiving spiritual help, even the good news of salvation centering in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, God's only Saviour.  We also want to see these men and women continue in God's Word by means of personal Bible study.

From our experience we have found that inmates often profit from doing Bible studies by way of correspondence.  They have plenty of time to devote to Bible study and they also enjoy receiving mail.

We are presently working with hundreds of inmates throughout the country by way of our Bible correspondence course.  A large number of these have completed hundreds and in some cases even thousands of pages of Bible study materials.  Each prisoner receives a certificate upon completion of each course of study.  Here are the courses we offer to inmates:

Introductory Lesson 1--Gospel of John Bible Study (brings a person through the plan of salvation using only verses in the Gospel of John.

Introductory Lesson 2--Personal Bible Study (brings a person through the plan of salvation using many other verses)

We then start the inmate on our BASIC DOCTRINES course which is in six installments (100 pages in total):

Basic Doctrines, Part 1

Basic Doctrines Part 2

Basic Doctrines Part 3

Basic Doctrines Part 4

Basic Doctrines Part 5

Basic Doctrines Part 6

After the inmate completes the Basic Doctrines course he received a certificate and he then begins the advanced lessons which consist of thousands of pages of Bible study worksheets.  Here are the next six courses they will be receiving (and there are many more courses after that):

The Gospel of John (over 100 pages)

Man, Christ, Sin and the Cross

Spiritual Life


Personal Evangelism

Shedding Light on the Dispensations

...and many more

Perhaps you can help us.  If you know of someone in prison or in a correctional institution, you may want to consider sending them the following document (which can easily be printed out from your computer):

Gospel of John Bible Study--If the inmate does not have a Bible, it might be necessary to also send him a copy of the Gospel of John (KJV version) which is all that he needs to complete this Bible Study.   This brief Bible study exposes a person to God's plan of salvation using only verses found in the Gospel of John.

If the inmate completes this study and sends it back to us (as per the instructions), then we will correct it and send him the beginning of a much lengthier Bible study (Basic Doctrines, see above) dealing with such important subjects as the inspiration of the Bible, the sinfulness of man, salvation through Christ, justification, redemption, sanctification, holy living, eternal security, etc.

As long as the inmate completes the lesson and sends it back to us, he will continue to receive additional lessons.  Some of our prisoners have done thousands of pages of Bible studies.  Often we provide postage and envelopes for the inmates as well (as God provides and assuming the prison allows for such).

May many who are physically confined find spiritual deliverance and freedom from sin. 

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).

The following are just some of the responses which we have received from inmates in the past year or so:

Thanks for your Bible study. It has helped me. I know I did not do well on some of it. It is hard to concentrate in here! Just a few years ago I could not read or write, BUT GOD let me read the Bible and I am getting better day by day. May God bless you.

Thank you and I pray that God blesses you for sending me these Bible studies. Time spent with God is time well spent. The Jesus in me loves you!

May the Lord bless you for everything you do for others.

Thank you for taking the time to make these lessons available to those of us who need them so much!

I have really enjoyed this lesson and all the Bible Scripture in it. I have learned new things I never knew and things I already knew. It never hurts to be reminded of the things you know already, and it is always good to learn things you don't know.

This lesson made me understand the truth of the cross. Thank you and God bless.

I'm ready for my sentencing in May. I'm grateful to wake up every morning covered by God's grace and mercy. We get the teaching of the Lord and bind them around our necks, and keep them in front of our eyes. May God bless your church always. Amen!

Dear Middletown Bible Church: Thank you so much for the Bible Correspondence courses. I am so grateful for them! Because of these study sheets, I am growing closer to the Lord and in the understanding of His Word. God bless you all for this wonderful ministry [from a non-prisoner].

I enjoyed this study on the Romans Road. The Lord speaks to me through His Word. I really appreciate your time to care for those like me in prison. You all are amazing and a huge blessing. I'm excited for the next lesson.

The worst thing I have ever done (gone to prison) is the best thing that has ever happened to me because now I've found the Bible and Jesus Christ, and I'm sober, and I don't know if that would of ever happened if not for coming to jail. Now I spend most of my days working and studying my Bible. I have about 3 to 4 years left and I just want my knowledge and faith to grow stronger and stronger and prepare myself for when I leave here.

I will not be in prison any longer….Thank you for all that you have done for me.

Thank you for these lessons and for the stamped envelope (that's a big deal!). I'm very happy to correspond with your church. Christ is amazing and so are you all.

I want to thank you for all your studies. They have been a wonderful blessing.

Hi, it's Linda from Ector County Jail. I wanted to say thank you so much for your Bible study. I am very grateful. The study guide helped me understand about God. Thank you so much. God bless you.

This was a wonderful lesson! Thank you for the calendar and pamphlets you kindly sent me. Once I've finished them, I will place them on the prison chapel's shelf for another to read. I look forward very much to the next study.

[From a prisoner after doing our study on Hebrews] Oh how I love being a prisoner for/of Christ and the joy of rejoicing in Him daily and the better promises, hope for resurrection and the better kingdom that is to come and how He is the better Substitute and final Sacrifice for those who chose Him as their Saviour. How glad I am that the Lord has done such good things for us! God bless.

I want to thank you for the Bible study. I can't wait to receive more and learn more about God and our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to seek Him more and more. God bless you and your church.

I just want to say that you have helped me so much these past years and I hope Jesus blesses you abundantly. You are a true angel!

Thank you for the lessons and tracts. I love you and your congregation in the Lord for feeding me the Word of God and all that you do for Christ. It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for another great lesson. I look forward to the next.

I am learning a lot, and at times I get confused and lost. But I keep coming back to the lesson. Thank you for giving me these lessons. May God bless.

Thank you and your church for the wonderful Bible study and the information on "Death." Please convey my gratitude to Middletown Bible Church, as a whole congregation, for supporting the prison ministry activities. These studies mean a lot to me, as I am sure they do to other men and women fortunate enough to receive them. God bless.

This was a beautiful lesson for me because I see that there are believers and non-believers. I was once an unbeliever. I'm so glad that I got saved and now moving forward to doing what is right. I'm thankful that when I get out I don't have to live the way I used to. Praise the Lord!

Dear teacher, I'm learning and wanting to be a servant of God in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen! Yes, I'm learning much from the reading and studying of the Word of God. I want to be filled through and through with His Word. "Wash me that I may be whiter than snow. Purge me." Amen, hallelujah!

You are truly doing God's work. Thank you for everything you do.

I am happy that you thought of me. You know I do love the Lord with all my heart and I do love to read and study all I can about Him. I'm happy you have a new study course. I am very interested in taking I and all the lessons you have to offer.

The Middletown Bible Church
349 East Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 346-0907

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